We started Sofa King Leather Cleaning Services in April of 2016. Time flies, we will be celebrating One year anniversary in a couple of months.
Previously known as “So Far The Best Guys”, Sofa King Leather Cleaning Services is a subsidiary of Jaspe Creations. We exclusively use Dicon Leather Care products for all of our cleaning services.
Besides leather sofas, we also specialise in Leather Car Seats and Ladies Handbags as well. For photos and write up of our other works, please click on https://www.facebook.com/sofakingdicon/
We had an opportunity to service a Massimmo 5+1 L shaped Cream Colour Sofa just be for the auspicious Lunar New Year. The approximate dimension of the sofa was 5m x 3m and we took 180minutes to complete the service.
Dicon Leather Care products are neutral in colour and in smell, leaving non-sticky touch when servicing is complete; very suitable for most leather products.
Hope you enjoy the photos while this lovely couch is being serviced and massage by us.
Photo Credits: Ms. Irene Neo
Using Dicon Leather Cleaner, with fine tipped tooth brush, to clean stubborn stains at the corner of the sofa.
This is the part where we find treasures from time to time. Gold Ring, Coins, Necklaces, Cash. Whatever is on your mind, we probably would have seen it before. Today, we found toys.
More cleaning and polishing of stubborn stains with the fine tipped tooth brush, using the Dicon Leather Cleaner.
Ensuring we “leave no stones unturn”; we take our time and make sure every inch of the sofa is covered, cleaned and moisturised. We mean *every inch*.
The lovely cream coloured Massimmo 5 seater has not received tender loving care for the past 8 years. We took the liberty in cleaning the couch twice, before the final step in sealing the goodness with Dicon’s Mink Oil + Beeswax.
When twice isn’t enough, thrice maybe the charm. Yes, we cleaned this sofa three times with the Dicon Leather Cleaner before the waxing stage.
Final touch up in the corner of the sofa. The stain in the corner is more stubborn than any of the ox we every known. Just gently brushing the circular motion over and over again. The stubborn Ox, we mean stain, eventually gave up. We won.
Some of our cleaning materials are with chemicals, but they are generally safe for skins. We used our bare hands to massage the Massimmo for 3 hours.
Moment of truth…
Using Dicon’s Mink Oil + Beeswax as the final step, sealing the conditioner, waterproofing the sofa. We would finally wipe of any excess after 15 minute, producing that low-gleam shine.
Job complete. Here are some kind compliments from Ms. Irene Neo, the owner of the couch:
“I am so delighted with the results of the professional and reliable service by Dicon Leather Care (Sofa King Leather Cleaning Services) to restore our 8-year old sofa set to as good as new! Remy was very thorough and efficient in the delivery of service. There’s a huge difference in the before-and-after comparison! Thank you for the amazing work!”
Well, Irene, we are pleased that you are satisfied with our work. Thanks you for the kind opportunity in using our services.
To find out how your leather sofa can be transformed, cleaned, conditioned and protected like Irene’s, please write to us at hello@jaspe.com.sg or call 90038310. We would be delighted to hear from you.
Here’s wishing Irene and her family a healthy and prosperous Lunar New Year of the Rooster; and wishing the same for our readers and followers on this blog. Until next time.
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